Modern photography for every body

Body-inclusive fine art boudoir serving Tulsa, Oklahoma

I’m a professional fine art photographer based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Originally from Milwaukee, I began my career as a photographer in Tulsa back in 2016. Over time, my style has evolved into the distinct fine art boudoir that I photograph today.

As long as I can remember, I’ve seen beauty in the human body. Perhaps it’s because of how uncomfortable I often felt in my own skin, but I admired the myriad shapes and forms our bodies can create, and I wanted that art to be accessible to everyone — not just people who look a certain way.

I had dabbled in a few other types of photography, but intimate photography leaves an imprint on everyone who experiences it that is genuinely life-changing, and despite my occasional thoughts of “Would I make more money doing weddings?" I have truly found my passion and calling in this art form.

I want you to see yourself as you’ve never seen yourself before. I won’t sell you on a message of body positivity, because your journey is your own and there is no shame in struggling to accept yourself. But I believe that art changes all who experience it for the better.

Hi! I’m Michael.