Setting fitness goals for 2020? Read this first.

Some of you may know I'm a personal trainer; it's been my career for 15 years. And this is a time of year when lots of people commit to new fitness goals. I'm not cynical; I think it's great when someone takes charge of their physical well-being. ⠀

I always discourage boudoir clients from trying to "drop a few pounds" or "go down a size" to prepare for their photo shoot. To me, boudoir is about self-love and embracing your individuality and natural beauty. Accordingly, I shoot any and every body type.⠀

That's actually directly related to what I believe as a trainer. Over the last 15 years I've encountered many clients who hated their bodies. "This part is so fat" or (pointing to themselves) "ugh look how gross that looks" (these are actual quotes from clients) - comments that reveal deep-seated negativity and an unhealthy relationship with exercise.⠀

These clients, without exception, struggle the most to make progress. Their motivation waxes and wanes, and with it their discipline. They miss workouts more often and are less disciplined with their diets. They are prone to impatience and frustration.⠀

When you are learning to love your body, you're learning to love yourself. Maybe you aren't a size x like so-and-so, but did you know you can squat tons of weight? Or maybe that after a few months of training you could do ten pull-ups, or run a 5k in under 25 minutes? When you love your body, you start to see what makes it special - what you might be capable of if you just worked for it and just how damn great it feels to be in charge of your physical destiny.⠀

I love this quote from world-record holding powerlifter Stefi Cohen:

"Whole industries exist to profit by removing from us our confidence and selling it back as external objects. Iron gives us confidence from within."⠀

Go ahead and make those fitness resolutions. It's gonna take discipline and patience, but you can do it! Just make sure you always, always do it from a place of self love. Commit to only saying positive things about your body. You'll be capable of so much more than you ever imagined.


Preparing for your boudoir shoot


Coming January 2020: group nude mini shoot