Coming soon: studio portrait sessions

Studio portraiture is something I’ve wanted to try for a long time; I just wasn’t sure what the best path was to get started. Well, it just so happens that I’ve had an empty room in my house for a couple of years; it’s a “random stuff room” that was mostly filled with unused electronics other old junk.

I upgraded my lighting equipment earlier this month, and I realized that this spare room would make a perfect home studio and that it would be a fantastic practice setup for my new equipment. I dove in this weekend and gave it a go, and you can see some early results below!

It’ll be another few weeks before I feel comfortable charging for the service; this setup is new to me and I want to make sure I can deliver a consistent product like I do with my on-location boudoir shoots. But, I’m excited to venture into a new and challenging arena!

If you’re interested in booking a studio session, reach out and let me know! It can be a standalone session, or added to your regular boudoir session.


How I overcame imposter syndrome and learned to love my own photography


The best occasion is "just because"